Teacher Evaluation Form

Post Primary Teacher Evaluation Form

Section One

Section Two

Please answer the following questions by ticking the most appropriate box on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average and 1 = poor)
Did the beef or lamb demonstration meet your expectations?
Do you believe it met your pupils’ expectations?
Was the demonstrator professional and knowledgeable about beef and lamb?
Did the demonstration help reinforce theory taught in the classroom?

Section Three

Does the content of the demonstration help support the subject syllabus? Please tick as appropriate.
GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition
GCE Nutrition and Food Science
Other (Please specify)
Overall, how satisfied were you with LMC's service?
Do you use LMC's Food4Life website?
LMC has a host of resources available for your school. Please select the type of resource you find most useful.
Form Validation